Lets start with the graphics since their overhaul is the foundation on which a lot of the new gameplay for Madden 08 is built By now you’ve probably heard of the complete and total renovation of the animations with the term “branching animations” to describe what has been done. What it does mean is that this iteration of Madden is what we’ve been waiting on for three years now, a solid, responsive and great looking football title. Does that mean that EA should just go back to resting on their laurels and not continue to push the envelope? Of course not. The truth of it is that as far as next-gen Madden releases go this one is by far the best to date. They need to have the latest players and much like the real football season the release of Madden symbolizes hope springing eternal in the land of football. Well, the honest truth is that a lot of people who buy and play Madden will buy 08 just based on the updated rosters and nothing else.

What’s the point of reading a review of Madden 08 when its probably exactly like 07 and 06. By laughlyn12 | Review Date: AugI know what you’re all thinking.